This web page is for those people who are naturally drawn to this information and who have an open mind and heart that is interested in and dedicated to the truth. As spiritual teacher Adyashanti has said, "The heart of what I do, and the heart of what brings you here, is to have the direct experience of who you are."

This web page was "founded" on the following statements in Proverbs: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and rely not on your own wisdom. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; revere the Lord, and depart from evil." [And: "It shall be healing to your flesh and marrow to your bones..."] (Proverbs 3:5-8, Lamsa tr.) And so, with that said, please allow this web page to serve the Purpose of your Connexion to God/the Holy Spirit in any way He wills to lead. [(Amen.)]

This web page is intended to fulfill two purposes; as well as and only to a lesser extent, attempts to accommodate anyone who may be completely or fairly new to Dr. David R. Hawkins' work. Those two primary purposes are: 1) to be a page where those who are familiar (or unfamiliar) to Hawkins' work can find links all in one place on many of the different subjects and persons he and the research teams he worked with had calibrated, for their own personal growth and purposes; and 2) if it actually happens that I do so, to be a "blog" sharing and recording my own practice and experimentation with kinesiology and the consciousness calibration technique - which will be posted on the left and newest towards the bottom.

For more info. on David R. Hawkins and the consciousness calibration technique, as well as the "map of consciousness/calibrated scale of consciousness" which arose from using the technique, see at the top of this page (if using a computer, as it doesn't seem to show up on mobile) for a recording of the original forward (written by E. Whalen) to the Power vs. Force audiobook; as well as at the bottom of this page under and below "About Me" for more links. (Though you need not learn or know about Hawkins or his work to enjoy the links here and experience the veracity of the subjects and personages listed.)

And in Hawkins' own words concerning truth: "Research indicated that truth is actually a variable relative to an absolute constant. Its degree of validity is identifiable on a calibratable scale that includes all of life in all its expressions throughout all of history. The accumulated data was overwhelming in its revelations and implications. Researchers using this new tool were like children with their first microscope, excitedly examining everything and anything in the human experience. The mass of accumulated data often revealed rather startling information. It became overwhelmingly apparent that appearance was not in accord with essence, and that the mind is basically naive and easily deceived. Therefore, readers are forewarned that some of the material may be disturbing and confrontational to some cherished illusions." (Truth vs. Falsehood, ix)

Dr. Hawkins' "Caveat: A Note to the Reader" concerning the info. found in his book Truth vs. Falsehood (from which many of his calibrations are found here listed as links):

     "Emotional reactions are personally determined by one's inner positionalities and belief systems. They are not 'caused' from without or by exposure to new information. As audiences to presentations of this material have discovered, an initial response dissolves, upon reflection, into a broader understanding and compassion for oneself and others.
     "The intention of this presentation is the alleviation of suffering by virtue of replacing falsehood with truth and sharing the knowledge of how to arrive at truth on one's own, for the pathway to its source resides within. For those who are aligned with truth, the path lights up; for those who refuse it, the path is darkened.  All of us are free to choose."  TvF (Truth vs. Falsehood), xi.

"Accept that by spiritual declaration, commitment, and surrender, Knowingness arises that provides support, information, and all that is needed for the entire journey."
-David R. Hawkins, TLC p.333

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